Travel Arranger
Scenario 1:
- You need to make reservations and there is an executive assistant or someone in your department whose job duties include coordinating travel arrangements
Scenario 2:
- You and a campus co-worker are traveling to the same meeting and would like to coordinate flights and car rental and the co-worker takes on the task of making the reservations
In either scenario, the person making the reservations (referred to as the "arranger") will need to be an eligible ConnexUC user.
How you set up an arranger depends on which ConnexUC travel agency you plan to use. You can designate the arranger to be on one or both agency profiles. Please refer to the instructions provided below for more information.
Once you authorize an arranger, their information will be saved in your travel profile until you delete it. Please note that the arranger will be able to see and, if you wish, edit your personal information.
You can save additional information in your profile if you wish, such as airport preferences, emergency contacts, passport numbers, etc.
Please note: Neither CSS nor the Central Accounts Payable Office can make travel reservations.

UC Travel Center
Please note: when booking through UC Travel Center, the maximum number of people you will be able to enter as arrangers on your behalf is 10.
- Log in to ConnexUC
- Select 'Book Online Now'
- Select 'UC Travel Center'
- Click the 'Profile' tab
- In the 'Profile' section, select 'Travel Arrangers'
- In the 'Travel Arrangers' section, select the 'Add New Travel Arranger' link
- Enter the arranger’s email address and save

BCD Travel
Please note: when booking through BCD Travel, the maximum number of people you will be able to enter as arrangers on your behalf is 4.
- Log in to ConnexUC
- Select 'Edit Profile'
- Click the 'Business' tab
- In the 'Travel Arranger' section, enter in the 'Search' input field the name or email addres of the employee you would like to add as a travel arranger
- If the arranger is an eligible ConnexUC user, their name will then display
- Select 'Save Changes'