Travel Services
Please contact travel services If you have a confirmed (or on hold) ticket and are ready to book your travel.
UC Travel Center
Email is not monitored after working hours, Fridays, weekends, and holidays.
Phone numbers are available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST:
- 310-206-2639, press #2
- 800-235-UCLA (8252) (outside the US)
24/7 phone services are available for calls after working hours, however additional fees will apply.
Please refer to the UC Travel Center Services Fees page for fee details.
Please refer to the bottom of your ticketed itinerary for a list of 24/7 phone numbers.
BCD Travel
Phone numbers are available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST:
- 877-885-8632 (within U.S.)
- 818-238-4445, press 3 (outside the U.S.)
24/7 phone services are available for calls after working hours, however additional fees will apply.
Please email for fee details.
Please refer to the bottom of your ticketed itinerary for a list of 24/7 phone numbers.
Southwest SWABIZ
- 800-435-9792
Shorts Travel
- 877-277-5754
- 800-872-7245

Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) Business and Financial Services
- Purchasing and Reimbursements
- Reimbursements
- In-person services are available at on-campus locations

UC Berkeley Travel
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance
200 California Hall
Mail Code 1510
Berkeley, CA 94720-1510
Travel and Entertainment Project Team, Central Accounts Payable, Travel Inquiries: