When following the overall travel process of planning a trip, booking a trip, and then paying for the trip, there are several steps along the way.

A traveler may be faculty, staff, student, or hosted guest who travels on official, university-related business.

Travel Process Steps
Step 1: Decide There is a Need to Travel
Actions Involved
- Decides there is a need to travel
- Determines where and when the travel will occur
- Brings into consideration an approximate cost
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler.
Step 2: Obtain Pre-Approval for Travel
Actions Involved
- Often the travel requires pre-approval
- Does the supervisor support the business purpose?
- Is there funding?
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler, working with the appropriate authority to authorize the trip.
Step 3: Make the Travel Plans
Actions Involved
- Reserves flight, hotel, rental car
- Figures out logistics of itinerary
- Takes care of pre-trip details:
- Registered for UC Travel Insurance coverage?
- Has valid personal credit card or UC Corporate Travel Card?
- Has sufficient cash? Know how to exchange for foreign currency?
- Has valid photo ID, passport, visa?
- Knows options for ground transportation?
- Has contact information for parties at destination?
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler themselves, or working with a arranger in their department.
Step 4: Conduct the Travel
Actions Involved
- Departs for travel
- Conducts business away from headquarters
- Returns from travel
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler.
Step 5: Gather Documentation
Actions Involved
- Recognizes the need to report expenses and get reimbursed for anything that was paid for out-of-pocket
- Gathers documentation that supports the business purpose and explains any unusual or special circumstances
- Collects receipts
- Reviews the trip log, diary, and calendar to help recall where money was spent
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler.
Step 6: Report Expenses
Actions Involved
- Enters information into a form so that details are recorded and a request for reimbursement can be submitted
- Fills out the CSS form or alternative departmental process:
- Accounts for all of the expenses – transportation, lodging, meals, miscellaneous
- Provides a business purpose for the trip
- Explains any extraordinary expenses and gives a business-related justification
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler themselves, or working with a preparer in their department.
Step 7: Certify Expenses are Accurate
Actions Involved
- Signs the form to certify expenses are accurate
Roles Involved
This step is done by the traveler.
Step 8: Review and Approve the Expenses
Actions Involved
- Reviews and approves the expense details
- Signs the form to indicate approval:
- Evaluates for policy compliance
- Agrees that expenses are charged to a valid funding source
- Follows-up with traveler on any questionable expenses or activities
Roles Involved
This step is performed by various roles depending upon who has been delegated the authority based on:
Funding Source:
- Contract/Grant funds:
- Research Administrator
- Departmental funds:
- Department Head
- Manager
The approver may not directly or indirectly report to the traveler.
Step 9: Process the Reimbursement Expenses
Actions Involved
- Processes the reimbursement transaction for final review and payment
Roles Involved
This step is done by Accounts Payable.