Dependent Travel and Dependent Care Reimbursement Pre-Approval Form

  • The Dependent Travel and Dependent Care Reimbursement Pre-Approval Form (PDF) is required to obtain pre-approval of any reimbursable dependent travel or dependent caregiver expenses while on travel status
  • This form must be completed and approved prior to the start of any travel
  • Obtain pre-approval for Dependent Care Expenses before traveling
  • Attach this completed form and supporting documentation to the traveler’s expense report in the Travel Reimbursement System
  • All dependent travel and dependent care related expenses while on travel status are considered taxable income to the employee or prospective employee and will result in the applicable tax withholding and reporting
  • Expenses may be charged to allowable funds containing no restrictions on the use of funding for these purposes
  • Contract and Grant funds are permissible for dependent care expenses only to the extent they are allowable by the specific granting agency policies