What is TSA PreCheck?
TSA PreCheck is an expedited screening program that enables identified low-risk air travelers to enjoy a smart and efficient screening experience. For TSA PreCheck travelers, there is no need to remove shoes, 3-1-1 liquids, laptops, light outerwear, or belts. Today, TSA PreCheck has more than 450 lanes at 200+ U.S. airports.
Once approved, travelers will receive a Known Traveler Number (which needs to be added to a traveler’s airline profile and reservations) and will have the opportunity to utilize TSA PreCheck lanes at select security checkpoints when flying on the TSA PreCheck Participating Airlines(link is external).
Who Can Apply for TSA PreCheck?
TSA PreCheck applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Applicants need to complete the online enrollment information and follow the steps below as soon as possible to take advantage of the on-campus appointment dates. The on-campus appointments are open to UC Berkeley faculty, staff, students and their families. Each applicant must have his or her own appointment and attend the appointment in person.
Dates and Times
On-Campus Interview Dates
Monday, November 6 through Thursday, November 9, 2023.
Appointment Times
9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily.
There are no appointments between 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.
Please allow 15 minutes per appointment.
Recreational Sports Facility - 2301 Bancroft Way, Room 42
Instructions for Scheduling an On-Campus Interview
Enrollments will begin by October 1, 2023. Please check back for instructions.
To complete the application process, you will need to bring documentation proving identity and citizenship status (such as a U.S. Passport or a birth certificate and a driver's license) to your in-person interview. If you have a valid U.S. passport, that is all you need for ID.
The enrollment is completed on-site where IDEMIA captures fingerprints and a digital photo for a background check. At the enrollment appointment is also when the $78 application for five years of service is collected. This is a personal expense not reimbursable by the university. The fee can be paid by credit card, money order, company check, or certified cashier's check.
Cash and personal checks are not accepted. Eligible credit card holders may receive a credit for the application fee.
Please note that payment for new TSA PreCheck enrollments is only accepted at the time of the on-site appointment. Multiple companies unnecessarily charge customers to assist with scheduling appointments. We are not affiliated with them, and their fees do not apply to the enrollment fee paid at the appointment.
Questions may be emailed to travel@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail).