Generally, transportation costs to and from the event will be paid. This includes airfare, rental car, personal car mileage, tolls, and parking. Meals are not reimbursed unless there is a need for an overnight stay.
For example: You take the 9:00 am flight from Oakland to Orange County for an early afternoon meeting. You plan to return that same day, but all flights are canceled. You catch the first flight out of Orange County the next morning, returning home at 7:00 am. Your trip was less than 24 hours, but because of the overnight stay, meals may be reimbursed.
Unfortunately no, as those are not reimbursable expenses.
By definition, regardless of where you live, the office location is considered your work location, so travel to that location is considered a commute expense and the IRS would consider reimbursement of that as taxable income. Policy prohibits the reimbursement of expenses that are considered taxable income by the IRS. You can find references to this in UC Travel Policy G28.
If most people would drive the distance, then you may claim mileage with no further explanation. However, if most people would fly and you are choosing to drive for personal reasons (i.e., sightseeing, stopping off to visit friends, taking family along, etc.), you should expect to be reimbursed the lesser of mileage based on the most direct route or an amount equal to the cost of flying coach or economy with advance booking. If you are driving for business reasons (i.e., transporting large boxes of research equipment), please provide a written statement explaining the circumstances. The...
In keeping with UC’s policy to travel by the most reasonable and economical means, purchasing a business-class or first-class seat instead of coach or economy is usually not permitted.
If you choose to purchase a higher-class seat, you should document the price for coach-class and expect to pay for the upgrade using personal funds. Policy does allow for some special circumstances that must be explained for reimbursement. Exceptions will require additional justification and approval.
Please note: With the increasingly complex classification of fare levels by airlines, it may...
While it may save time, UC policy is to reimburse only when the location is more than 40 miles from the traveler’s home or place of work, whichever is closer, unless the overnight stay is required by the employer (i.e., an event coordinator must be onsite for late night and early morning set-up).
It is expected that university travelers can judge when they are on business and when they are on personal time and that they will claim expenses in an honest and ethical manner.
When booking flights, document the cost of airfare as if you were just going for business and the cost for the extended time. You should claim reimbursement for the lesser of the two.
If any personal time is included, you may not charge the airfare to the university using a Direct Bill ID. You must purchase the tickets using personal funds and request reimbursement, if applicable.
There is no policy prohibiting the use of alternative providers. The traveler is expected to give full consideration to the costs of these services as compared to more traditional providers. If the costs are out of line with ordinary and customary comparables, the traveler may be expected to provide a business justification or be reimbursed based on the lower cost alternative.
The general rule is that travelers should use the most reasonable method of transportation given the circumstances. Please consider the cost of a shuttle service when compared to alternatives, such as taking a taxi or ride-share or driving a personal car and parking. Public transportation may or may not be a reasonable option when factoring the cost against convenience or travel time. Determining the most reasonable method of transportation is up to the traveler and the approver. If costs appear excessive or extravagant, the reimbursement request must include the business-related...
University policy permits renting up to an intermediate size car. If a bigger vehicle can be reserved for the same price or you receive a free upgrade, provide that explanation in your reimbursement request.
If circumstances require a larger vehicle, please provide the business purpose. For example: I rented a full size car to accommodate seating and luggage for myself and three colleagues, Professor Jones, Professor Lee, and Director Smith.