Travel Cash Advance Request Form

Employees of UC Berkeley are encouraged to use UC's Corporate Travel Card to obtain cash advances necessary for business travel, which can be done at any ATM displaying the 'PLUS' network symbol.

For students and employees who cannot access funds via the Corporate Travel Card, please complete and submit the Travel Cash Advance Request Form (Google form).


  • Complete and then submit the form
  • You will receive an email summary of the form, which you should then print and save as a PDF and submit as an attachment to a reimbursement request in the Other Expenses Reimbursement System, using the "Travel Advance" expense type

Please Note

  • Travel cash advances are intended to be used for meals and daily subsistence expenses
  • Travel cash advances will only be issued within 30 days of when an expense is to be paid or incurred
  • A traveler should have only one outstanding cash advance per trip
  • Each cash advance should be accounted for before another advance is granted
  • Cash advances will not be issued if a traveler’s university sponsored US Bank Corporate Travel Card is canceled for delinquency or non-payment

Cash Advances are Not to be Used to Purchase Airline Tickets

Travel cash advances are not to be used to purchase airline tickets. Travelers on university business may use the Direct Bill program to pay for airfare booked through one of UC's travel agencies. Contact an agency through ConnexUC.


