Common Reasons for Different Results Between ConnexUC and Other Popular Travel Sites
Search filters
Most popular travel sites show all flights, regardless of time or layover as a default. The default for ConnexUC factors in UC travel policy and preferred business flight routes (shorter duration layovers and departure/arrival times during business hours). There is great flexibility in ConnexUC to adjust filters to fit the preferences of the individual traveler
Click Through
Popular sites like Kayak, Google Flights, and Skyscanner do not actually book your flights. Fares you see there may no longer available. You need to click through from the search engine to the actual booking site to determine if those fares actually still exist for a comparison to fares in ConnexUC. Fares you see in ConnexUC are actual availability.
Budget Economy
Currently we do not offer budget economy fares through ConnexUC. Budget economy fares are typically $25 to $50 less per flight and are non-refundable, in most cases non-changeable and do not allow the traveler to select a seat in advance or check luggage, often even restricting carry-on luggage. We do not recommend the use of budget economy fares for business travel.
When you compare ConnexUC to other popular travel pages, there are more benefits than most of the other travel sites.
Exclusive ConnexUC Features
- Automatic enrollment in UC business travel insurance
- Access to UC negotiated discounts and benefits
- Built in UC travel policy guidelines
- Campus paid airfare
- Ability to cancel an airline ticket within 24 hours
- Name change on non refundable ticket
- Additional Southwest rapid rewards
- Ability to assign a travel arranger