Key Points of the Travel Policy

This page is not the complete travel policy, but instead our attempt to summarize the key points of the travel policy.

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The traveler will incur and report actual travel expenses in a responsible and ethical manner.

The traveler will make choices that demonstrate good stewardship of university resources. Spending decisions will not be extravagant or lavish.

Travel expenses must be considered ordinary and necessary to accomplish the official business purpose of the trip.

Travel expenses considered by the IRS to be taxable income to the traveler will not be reimbursed (limited exceptions may apply). Please refer to IRS Publication 463 for more information.

Transportation expenses will generally be reimbursed based on the most economical and commonly used mode of conveyance taking the most direct route, unless otherwise justified.

Travel expenses will be reviewed and approved or denied in accordance with university policy and campus business practices. Please refer to UC Policy G-28 for more information.

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Business Purpose

Provide a clear and thorough business purpose for all segments of your trip. You should always be able to explain how the university benefited from any expense it paid.

A good way to explain the business purpose is to answer who, what, where, when and why. You don’t need to include confidential details, such as donor names, but you should give some specifics. For example: Donor meeting on October 1 in Dallas, TX to discuss potential gifts for undergraduate scholarships. You do not need to submit back-up support for reimbursement, but it is a good idea to keep agendas and other documentation for your records or if required by your funding source

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Business and Personal Travel Combined

It is expected that university travelers can judge when they are on business and when they are on personal time and that they will claim expenses in an honest and ethical manner.

If the personal time simply involves arriving earlier and/or staying longer at the destination at which the business travel occurred, then it is still allowable and recommended to use ConnexUC and Direct Bill. If the traveler adds additional locations to the flight itinerary that are for personal purposes, then the airline ticket can not be purchased using Direct Bill.

When booking flights that include additional locations for personal time, please be sure to document the cost of airfare as if you were just going exclusively to the business location, so that you can substantiate the amount for reimbursement. The documentation must be obtained by a ConnexUC-related travel agency prior to or at the time of booking the trip.

If traveling within the U.S. and the purpose of the trip is business, but you take a side trip for pleasure, you may not be reimbursed for any expenses related to the side trip or the extended stay. If the trip is primarily personal (for example, you are on vacation) but you attend to business while at the location, you can claim any expenses related to the business, but you cannot be reimbursed for transportation to the location.

When traveling internationally, a trip must meet one of the following tests in order to be defined as entirely business:

  • The traveler did not have control over arranging the trip
  • Vacation was not a major consideration
  • Travel was outside the U.S. seven consecutive days or less
  • If more than seven days, less than 25% time was spent on personal activities
  • If the trip is primarily personal, airfare and transportation will not be reimbursed
  • Only expenses for days when business was conducted will be paid

If family members are traveling with you, document and claim the cost for car rental, lodging, and meals as if you were traveling alone. The university will not pay for any incremental costs associated with personal traveling companions. Please note: Different rules apply for moving and relocation.

Airport parking will be paid only for business-related days.

If taking a side trip for personal activities, document and claim the costs for the direct route related to the business purpose of the trip.

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Paying for Others

Generally, paying for others is not allowed, except on supervised groups or co-travelers sharing a room. If the only available option is to pay for someone else, please provide a statement with your reimbursement request explaining the special circumstances.

Each university traveler should pay for their own expenses and submit an individual reimbursement request.

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Only your business-related airfare can be directly charged (i.e., directly billed) to the university. You can charge your airfare directly to the university by using the Direct Bill process and booking through ConnexUC.

Airfare Guidelines

Tickets classified as economy or coach class are allowed, including economy-premium, economy-plus, economy-elite or similar label. When combining a personal trip with a business trip, if the personal time simply involves arriving earlier and/or staying longer at the destination at which the business travel occurred, then it is still allowable and recommended to use ConnexUC and Direct Bill. If the traveler adds additional locations to the flight itinerary that are for personal purposes, then the airline ticket can not be purchased using Direct Bill. When booking flights that include additional locations for personal time, please be sure to document the cost of airfare as if you were just going exclusively to the business location, so that you can substantiate the amount for reimbursement. The documentation must be obtained by a ConnexUC-related travel agency prior to or at the time of booking the trip.

Ancillary fees charged by airlines (i.e., seat assignment, excess baggage) are reimbursable with a reasonable business-related justification.

Business or First Class Airfare Tickets

Higher-priced business or first class airfare tickets are generally not allowed.

With additional documentation and approval, the following special circumstances may be considered:

  • Business or first class is the only service offered between two points
    • Please provide a written statement explaining the circumstances
  • The use of coach class would be more expensive or time consuming
    • Please provide a written statement explaining the circumstances
  • An itinerary involves overnight travel without an opportunity for normal rest before commencing business
    • Please provide a written statement explaining the circumstances
  • The advantages of business or first class are necessary to reasonably accommodate a disability or medical need
    • Please provide a written statement from a doctor clearly explaining the specific accommodation(s) required that necessitate higher class amenities
      • Please do not include a diagnosis
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Car Rental and Ground Transportation

You can rent up to an intermediate size car. If larger than an intermediate size car is used, please provide a business justification. If the justification is missing or insufficient, an exceptional approval will be required or the expense may be non-reimbursable.

Rent through ConnexUC so your reservation is on a UC negotiated contract. You will be eligible for discounts and other benefits, and for rental in the U.S. and Canada, automatically covered by UC's rental car insurance

A detailed receipt is required for reimbursement.

If driving your personal vehicle, you may be reimbursed the standard per-mile rate based on the most direct route. To determine the number of miles, use an online mapping tool (MapQuest or Google Maps). The standard mileage rate includes fuel, as well as wear-and-tear on the vehicle.

If you choose to drive to a destination normally traveled to via air, pre-approval should be sought and a written statement explaining the circumstances will be expected for reimbursement. You will be reimbursed the lesser of mileage based on the most direct route or an amount equal to the cost of flying coach or economy with advance booking.

When driving between locations, you are expected to travel more than 300 miles per day in order to claim expenses for overnight lodging and meals.

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The traveler must be at least 40 miles from the headquarter location or home, whichever is closer, to be reimbursed for an overnight stay, unless the stay is required to meet a business need (i.e., an event coordinator must be onsite for late night and/or early morning set-up).

The receipt must be itemized (room, tax, service, and any other charges listed separately).

Daily lodging limits for domestic trips under 30 days is set at a $333 room rate, excluding taxes and fees. A traveler who is required to attend a conference where the prearranged conference lodging rate exceeds the $333 per night maximum may stay at the conference hotel without exceptional approval with an explanation and documentation provided with the reimbursement request. Otherwise, when the traveler is unable to secure lodging at $333 per night or less, exceptional approval is required.

Per Diem Daily Rate

For international or offshore U.S. travel, the maximum amount that may be reimbursed for lodging varies by location and is based on the U.S. State Department's per night limits. A traveler who is required to attend a conference where the prearranged conference lodging rate exceeds the State Department per night maximum may stay at the conference hotel without exceptional approval as long as an explanation and documentation are provided with the reimbursement request. All other cases exceeding the per diem daily rate will require a detailed receipt and justification for exceeding the limit.

Please refer to the per diem daily rates when making travel arrangements:

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Travel Packages and Bundled Reservations

Travel packages typically do not provide sufficient receipt detail to satisfy reimbursement requirements.

Please do not book a package that bundles airfare, hotel, car rental and/or other trip expenses unless you confirm beforehand that an itemized receipt for each type of expense will be provided.

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Cancellation and Change Fees

If you are unable to honor a reservation, you are responsible for canceling the reservation in compliance with the cancellation terms established by the hotel, airline, etc.

You must immediately return any refundable deposits or unused transportation tickets to the university.

Charges or lost refunds resulting from failure to cancel reservations will not be reimbursed unless you can show that such failure was the result of circumstances beyond your control.

When you personally purchase a ticket, cancel appropriately, and hold the airline credit, you will be reimbursed:

  • After the 12 month credit period if not used for personal or business travel, or by exceptional approval
  • You will need to provide documentation showing that the credit expired

Change fees may be reimbursable if you can document a legitimate business need for the change or you can show that the need was the result of circumstances beyond your control.

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Meals and Incidentals Expenses (M&IE)

If a trip is less than 24 hours, meals are not reimbursable, unless there was a need for an overnight stay.

When traveling within the continental U.S., the daily limit is $92. This limit is not a per diem. Only actual expenses can be reimbursed.

The daily per diem limit when traveling internationally or offshore U.S. varies by location and is based on the U.S. State Department per diem rates.

Please refer to the Office of Allowances Foreign Per Diem Rates and/or the DoD Per Diem Rates web pages for rate calculations.

Incidentals include tips for baggage handlers, hotel housekeeping, and similar services.

M&IE does not include miscellaneous business expenses, such as internet access or copy services, which may be claimed separately.

Receipts are needed for any expense of $75 or more. Some fund sources may require receipts regardless of dollar amount. For guidance on additional restrictions, please contact your research administrator or department business officer.

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Travel Reimbursement to Campus or Within 50 Miles of Campus for Remote Workers

Please refer to People and Culture's Expense Eligibility and Reimbursement Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

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Dependent Care Travel Guidlines

Under limited circumstances, reimbursable expenses may include actual travel for dependents and dependent-care providers who accompany the traveler or actual expenses for out-of-the-ordinary at-home dependent care required outside of normal working hours while the traveler is traveling on bona fide university business.

All requests for reimbursement of expenses related to dependent travel or at-home dependent care must include a completed Dependent Travel and Dependent Care Reimbursement Pre-Approval Form that was fully executed prior to the initiation of travel. Approval is at the discretion of the department or college and should not be presumed but is required. There will be no exceptions and reimbursement will be denied if the form is not attached with the reimbursement request documenting that approval occurred prior to travel.

As with all travel expenses, each department or college is responsible for funding any reimbursements related to dependent care expenses – no central funding is provided. Expenses may be charged to allowable funds containing no restrictions on the use of funding for these purposes. Contract and Grant funds are permissible for dependent care expenses only to the extent they are allowable by the specific granting agency policies.

All associated reimbursable expenses will be taxable. The applicable tax withholding will occur on a subsequent paycheck for the employee who is requesting reimbursement.

The traveler must pay the dependent travel, caregiver travel, and at-home child care expenses directly and seek reimbursement. Appropriate expense documentation and proof of payment is required. Under no circumstances will the university issue payment directly to dependent child care providers and/or caregivers.

Please refer to the Dependent Travel and Dependent Care Travel Guidelines for more information.

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Reporting Travel Expenses

Please keep track of your business-related expenses and only claim reimbursement for the actual amount spent.

International trips and domestic travel more than 30 days may be reimbursed on a flat-rate per diem based on actuals and not to exceed the U.S. State Department rates for the location.

A Travel Expense and Reimbursement Request shall be used to account for all travel advances and expenses incurred in connection with official university travel.

A travel expense report must be processed after each trip, even if no reimbursement is due to the traveler (for example, the only expense was airfare paid with a Direct Bill ID).

Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 45 days of the end of a trip unless there is recurrent local travel, in which case vouchers may be aggregated and submitted monthly. When a trip lasts more than 90 days, the traveler must submit a quarterly report of expenditures. Expense reports submitted late may still be paid with appropriate approvals. The amount of the payment may be reported as taxable income.

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Submit itemized receipts for all airfare, car rentals, domestic U.S. lodging, and conference registration regardless of dollar amount, or any other single expense of $75 or more. Some fund sources may require receipts regardless of dollar amount. For guidance on additional restrictions, contact your research administrator or department business officer. Please refer to the Register for a Conference page for more information.

A valid receipt contains payee's name, amount, date, place, identification of what was purchased, and proof of payment.

If you lost a business receipt and have exhausted all efforts to obtain a copy from the merchant, provide an explanation with your reimbursement request including the details of the purchase and your declaration that the amount claimed is the amount actually paid by you and that you have not and will not seek reimbursement from any other source. A copy of a credit card statement can substantiate that you made the purchase, but does not provide the details of what was purchased, so does not serve as a stand-alone receipt replacement.

Auditors expect to see receipts to support the payment of a business expense. If a payment is not proven to be business-related, it may be disallowed for reimbursement or reported as taxable. It is always in the traveler's best interest to keep records of expenses incurred and reimbursed.

Addtional Resources

Documentation and Receipts

Required Elements of a Receipt and Proof of Payment

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Entertaining While Traveling

For a breakdown of per-person entertainment meal reimbursement limits, please refer to the Reimbursement of Entertainment Expenses While on Travel Status page. Must comply with the UC Entertainment Policy BFB-BUS-79.

Be prepared to provide the business purpose of the event and the names and affiliations of guests.

If spouses attended, exceptional approval is required.

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Extended Travel

Special considerations apply to extended travel. If the travel is planned to be more than 30 days, please consult the policy for guidelines on how to handle expenses.

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